Resetting Your Site Manager Password

The Site Manager has two types of accounts:

  1. The Administrator Account, which uses a username to access the Site Manager.
  2. User Accounts, which use email addresses to access the Site Manager.

To reset the password for the Administrator Account:

  1. Log in to the Client Area at
  2. Go to "Services" -> "My Services" from the main menu.
  3. Click on your website listed under "My Products & Services".
  4. Go to "Change Password" from the "Actions" panel.
  5. Enter your new password twice for confirmation and click "Save Changes".
  6. Go to your Site Manager login page, accessible at
  7. Enter your username and new password and click "Log in".

To reset the password for a User Account:

  1. Go to your Site Manager login page, accessible at
  2. Click on the "Reset Password" option.
  3. Enter the email address associated with your Site Manager account or click "Reset Password".
  4. Check your email and click on the link provided to reset your password.

If you have forgotten your username for the Administrator account or have any other questions, please open a support ticket:

Open Support Ticket


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